Farming Fish In Nigeria: A Simple Guide

 Farming fish is also known as aquaculture. In Nigeria, it is an essential agricultural practice because of its capability to meet the increasing demand for fish and also to improve food security in the country. The geographical location of Nigeria and its plentious water resources make it perfect for aquacultural enterprise.

Here in Nigeria, farming fish has the capacity to aid the growth of the country's economy in addition to creating job opportunities.

If you are looking to start up farming fish in Nigeria, you should consider the undermentioned:

I. Popular Fish Species.
In Nigeria today, there are certain species of fish which are actually the most farmed. They are the tilapia, catfish and carp. 
Still, catfish remains the most commonly farmed amongst the three species mentioned earlier. This is as a result of the very high consumer demand for it and its ability to fit into different environments.

II. Pond Custom. 
Majority of fish farms in Nigeria use ponds. Most of the time, these ponds are constructed using sand and cement in order for the structure to be solid. Fingerlings are then stocked into the ponds afterwards – they nursed until they grow into the perfect size(s) for sale. 
Some fish farmers also create ponds using very large plastic containers/tubs and then fill it up with water.
In the long run, ponds are actually easy to set up and take care of. The basic thing required is proper planning and great execution.

III. Cage Custom. 
This is about using cages made of net to keep fish. These net cages could be positioned in a lake or a reservoir or even a river (however the case may be).
Here in Nigeria, this technique is gradually becoming popular. 

IV. Difficulties. 
Irrespective of its potentiality, farming fish here in Nigeria has different difficulties. These difficulties are lack of access to really quality fish feed, finite access to finance for small-scale farmers, deficiency of infrastructure in respect of processing and distribution and epileptic electricity supply. 
Moreover, diseases (that affect and can affect fish) and poor quality of water have adverse effects on the health and quality of fish harvest eventually.

V. Support From The Government. 
The Nigerian government actually knows about the essentiability of aquaculture in Nigeria. Over the years, measures have been taken in order to aid the growth of the enterprise.

In Nigeria today, there are really genuine opportunities for investing in fish farming. If you are looking to invest in fish farming, you can delve into areas like production of fish feed, processing of fish and its preservation, and supplying of fish farming equipment.

It is pertinent to employ viable practices of fish farming. The essentiality of this is to bring negative environmental impacts to the lowest. 
In the long run, strict commitment to employing proper fish farming practices is necessary for the continuous improvement and viability of the fish farming sector in Nigeria.

More generally, really good market knowledge and research, compliance with the best practices, unrestricted access to resources, and proper planning have to be in place in order to be successful at farming fish here in Nigeria.


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